
Akshara Haasan as associate director for Kamal's Viswaroopam

Akshara Haasan who is the younger daughter of Kamal Hassan will debut in to south films with his father's upcoming movie Viswaroopam Akshara Haasan will be an associate director for the film.

Close Sources buzz is that Akshara Haasan is not much interested in heriones roles so she has opted for directional department ofViswaroopam.It is evident that Akshara Haasan has earlier worked as assistant director under Bollywood director Rahul Dholakia's
film Society.

Kamal Haasan's Viswaroopam movie is touted to be an terrorism backdrop film in which Rahul Bose will be seen as terrorist. Viswaroopam is a big budget film for which Kamal Hassan is directing the movie and the movie will be released in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi versions.

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